Bed bug pest control
Bed bug pest control

bed bug pest control

One major reason bed bugs are such a problem is how fast they can multiply and spread. Why are bed bugs such a problem? The females lay about 200 eggs, usually at the rate of three or four a day, in cracks and crevices in the floor or bed. Growth Stages of bed bugs and Reproductive Facts about bed bugs While bed bugs can feed as often as every week, some can go months and in ideal conditions, bed bugs can last over a year without feeding. If you experience biting sensations during the day, it may be an allergic reaction. A small, hard, swollen, white welt may develop at the site of each bite.


The skin may become irritated or inflamed due to the salivary fluid injected by the bed bugs. In addition to the area being numbed, many people don’t show bite symptoms for days or weeks, and some people never show bite mark symptoms. They do suck blood from their host with piercing mouthparts but the bite is painless. One reason it is painless is that bed bugs inject a mild anesthetic to numb the area they are biting so when they feed most people don’t wake up. Chagas disease is one that bed bugs are capable of transmitting, but it is not something they typically are in contact with or carrying. Several diseases have been tested for transmission, but it is currently not an issue. Bed bugs are not generally considered disease carriers.

bed bug pest control

They normally feed at night, but may feed in the daylight in rooms that are not used at night. The Bat Bug does prefer to feed only on bats for example, but they also have been known to feed on human blood in various situations. Although the preferred host is humans for Common Bed Bugs, they will feed on other animals, such as poultry, mice, rats, birds, dogs, and cats if necessary. They can become especially significant after host bats leave an area after significant time such as after hibernation leaving the bat bugs no choice but to seek out another host for survival.Īll bed bugs including the Tropical Bed bugs, Bat Bugs, or the Common Bed Bug feed on blood. They do however migrate from time to time down to other parts of the home and can end up infesting areas similar to the Common Bed Bug. These pest don’t usually live in beds and furniture like the Common Bed Bug, and are usually found in living spaces common to bats, like attics and chimneys. It’s thought that these pests stayed in caves and continued to feed on cave dwelling bats, while another branch followed humans as they left caves and eventually formed the Common Bed Bug species we know today. These pests are thought to be even older than the Common Bed Bug and date back to times when humans used to live in caves along side bats. Bat Bugs Bat Bugs are another one of the most common bugs that act like the Common Bed Bug and can often cause problems in your home. Female adult bed bugs have symmetrical, rounded abdomens while the male’s will be more pointed and asymmetrical. Nymphs have the general appearance of adults. Newly hatched nymphs are nearly colorless, becoming brownish as they mature. Adults have small, stubby, nonfunctional wing pads. Bed bugs have a beaklike piercing-sucking mouthpart system. Eggs are not known to be placed on the host’s body but are found on surfaces near where the host sleeps or nests. After a blood meal, the body elongates and becomes swollen. Their flat shape enables them to hide in cracks and crevices. Adult bed bugs are brown to reddish-brown, oval-shaped, flattened, and about 1/4 to 5/8 inch long. The Common Bed Bug is visible to the naked eye, but it can be hard to tell what species it is without proper training. These pests have been bothering humans for thousands of years and have even been discovered as fossils and in literature as far back as ancient Egypt. The Common Bed Bug This form of bed bug is typically the one you’ll find causing trouble in your home. Some species you’ll need to look at under a microscope or magnifying glass to tell what they are. There are sever kinds of bugs that can be mistaken for the Common Bed Bug, and you’ll need to closely examine the bugs to determine which pest you really have. These tropical bed bugs can still travel across the United States and cause problems outside of the warmer climates, but it is far more rare that they do. Tropical Bed Bugs This species of bed bug is far less common in the United States than the common bed bug, and as its name suggests, is usually found in tropical warmer climates. These can be hard to distinguish between by the naked eye, and treating for the wrong kind of bed bugs can lead to poor results. These are the most common bed bugs to cause problems in your home. There are 3 main kinds of species of bed bugs, the Tropical Bed Bug, the Common Bed Bug, and the Bat Bug.


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Bed bug pest control